Monday, January 19, 2009

Epsilon Force Fleet Month End Report

December 2385

Admiral Koolah Message

Heres to a good year

As the year 2008 draws to its close, I felt the need to submit a report of the fleet at this point.

Since our launch at the end of September, Epsilon Force has grown from just 6 outcast members of Sigma Division, to a fleet with 10 ships/stations, and 93 characters.

From the original 6 people that number has rissen 10 fold. In a little over 3 months, we as an organization have grown a tremendous amount across the board. Fleet Captin Tim Williams of the USS Highlander, commented that he feels we are in the position now that we can afford to create a second Task Force.

This is an amazing growing point for us, many fleets out there do not reach this level with the same stability or loyal group at there cores. Adm. Gwena Max, has been a true driving force to the fleet, with her handfull of other characters she had her finger on the true pulse of the fleet.

It's been said that between Adm. Max and myself this fleet is one of the most well balanced groups out there. That when I first heard it from people both in and outside the fleet I was genuinally stunned. Adm Max and I would like to personally thank everyone for the hard work in the last weeks, as well as your loyalty and devotion to Epsilon. We would wish that in 2009 our good fortune be continued success for both our wirters and our organization as well.

Department Reports

Research and Development

following ship ship classes and runabouts have been added to the IFS system:

Beko Class Ship

The Arrow runabout

Blue Bird runabout

Nor Class Station

Ambassador ship

Kaneda Space Superiority Fighter Class

Razor Class Fighter Broadsword Class

Type-21 shuttle Gladius Type Fighter

Normandy Class

& Luna Class ships Type 3 Carbine

Xenon Class Scout

Pluto Class outpost

Under construction or waiting for approval

Ghost A.I.fighter

Ragnarok Class Star ship

Quantum Slip stream Drive engine and computer system

Zero Point Generator

Researching and Developing

Personal Protection shields

New Eva environmental Suits

Department of Personnel Affairs

Goals for December

Increase the scope of fleet advertising (eg. banner exchanges)
Clear the open commands list and keep the Unassigned and Transferred Character Pools empty.

Current Statistics
In November 2008, Epsilon Force had 93 characters serving on 13 ships.

Now (December 2008), Epsilon Force is the proud home of 107 characters serving on 17 ships.

A growth of 14 characters and 4 ships.

Total Ships: 17 (does not include Queue and Mothball)

CO'ed Ships: 13

Active Ships: 10

Inactive Ships: 3

Open Ships: 4

Total Characters: 107

Active Characters: 98

Inactive Characters: 3

Other Characters (pending, R10, admin): 6

Average Characters per CO'ed Ship: 7.8

Average characters per active ship: 9.8

Total Players: 68Average

Characters per Player: 1.6

Queued Ships: 11

Mothballed Ships: 0

Task Force One - The Independents

Star Base Frontier

Crew Information:Total Crew: 14

New Crew Since Last Report:

Lt Commander Kamis

Lt Commander Pallister

Lt Jg Knowarth

Simm Information:

Current Mission Title: Episode 1: Walk the line

Mission Description:A downed ship and an explosion rocking the station set the stage for pirates once in charge of the decommissioned Uss Cairo. The job of the crew is simple stop the pirates and find the people responsible for the attacks. Whether each is connected is yet tApproximate

Number of Posts this Month: 18

Website/Ship Awards and Crew Awards Given:None

Additional Comments:

For some reason my log in info on this site has given me TFCO status, thought I'd mention it.

Carter's Ghost

No Month End Report Submitted

USS Nova Horizon (Shared with Federation Elite Force)

Total Crew: 5

New Crew Since Last Report:

Lieutenant Desire Veni

Crew Removed Since Last Report:

Lieutenant Commander T'Hill Bay

Simm Information:

Current Mission Title: Meeting an old friend.

Mission Description:

The Nova Horizon is route to the Talaxian Station to meet up with an old friend who hasn't been talk to in a while.

Approximate Number of Posts this Month: N/A we just began our mission

Additional Comments:Our current status is now active, we are departing sb359 and heading toward the talaxian colony. Then after that we will be heading to sb frontier

Task Force 62

No Formal Task Force Report Submitted

Deep Space 15

Total Crew: 11

New Crew Since Last Report:

Lieutenant Janet Powers- Chief Intelligence Officer

Kylantha Richards- Civilian

Crew Removed Since Last Report:Lieutenant Commander Maverick Kadar- Executive Officer Current Mission Title:

Mission 2: A Bad Apple never falls far from the tree

Mission Description:

The Crew of Deep Space 15 have been tasked by Starfleet Archaeology to recover a Zarconian Probe. The Zarconians lived 20,000 years ago and were a feared and ultimately destructive civilization. They are thought to be the most destructive and feared race

Approximate Number of Posts this Month: 22

Website/Ship Awards and Crew Awards Given:Awards will be done at the end of the month

USS Atlantis

Total Crew: 16

New Crew Since Last Report:

LtJG Annabeth Kenobi - CSOOC

Crew Removed Since Last Report:12/16/2008 - Ensign Sabastian Valmont - Master-at-Arms.

1st Class Marika Riley - Counselor - Made an NPC.

Crew Promotions/Demotions Since Last Report:Strikes given:

Commander Robert Feinstein [ Strike #1 ] - 2 Weeks of Unannounced, Unexcused Inactivity, Non-Posting.

Lieutenant Commander Daniel (Danny) Murphy [ Strike #1 ] - 2 Weeks of Unannounced, Unexcused Inactivity

Current Mission Title: 4: JM - Shaken, Not Stirred

Mission Description:

A dozen ships in Gamma quadrant are now reassigned to Delta. All ships have been ordered to reach their new patrol using the slipstream method. They may be far from home but they are surrounded by family. They only have one another to turn too for help,

Approximate Number of Posts this Month: 26

USS Bennut'liss

Total Crew: 8

New Crew Since Last Report:

10/28/2008 - Lieutenant Commander Mirvena Campbell - CMO

11/20/2008 - Obi-Bill - Barkeeper

11/22/2008 - Lieutenant Commander T'Lar - XO

11/24/2008 - Lieutenant Francois Searle Thomas - CIO

11/30/2008- Major Robert James Crichton - MCO

Current Mission Title: Homecoming

Mission Description:

The USS Bennu t'liss crew return at the call of their commanding officer, Colonel Steven Campbell. He calls them to return to duty and the Bennu, a Starfleet Marine vessel. The ship is awaiting her crew and is currently docked at Starbase Frontier

Approximate Number of Posts this Month: 7

Additional Comments:Database files and some new graphics added.

Report submitted by: Adm. Gwena Max on behalf of Col. Campbell.

USS Eclipse

No Report Submitted

USS Leviathan

Total Crew: 7

Current Mission Title: Bringing it all together

Mission Description:

# Bringing it all together # The Leviathan is getting ready to depart space dock. Although the ship is mostly complete there is still work to be done preparing the ships systems. As the crew assembles together they will need to get to know each other

Approximate Number of Posts this Month: 5

The commanding officer of this ship, me has been ill for the past month. However I am feeling better and am ready to begin moving forward.

Task Force 84

No Formal Task Force Report Submitted

USS Highlander

Total Crew: 7

Crew Removed Since Last Report:Barbara Jones - needs to be transferred to USS Scimitar

Current Mission Title: Versatile Motion

Mission Description:

Continued from last month - due to end this week.

Approximate Number of Posts this Month: 19

Additional Comments:19 Posts for December, which is low, but taking into account the number of large JPs and the Christmas period, not particularly bad. Due to finish our current mission this week and start on the FJM.

USS California

No Report Submitted on December 30, 2385

USS Courageous

No Report Submitted

USS Scimitar

Total Crew: 4

New Crew Since Last Report:

Col K Shafto Cmndr J Ried

Lt Cmndr J Powers

1Lt S. Viceroy-Todd

Current Mission Title: Recruiting

Mission Description:Recruiting

Approximate Number of Posts this Month: 0

Additional Comments: Still Recruiting.

USS Ticonderoga

Total Crew: 10

Since last report

(IFS does show that Col. K. Shafto is now CO of the USS Scimitar, he has not taken command as of yet, and still XO of the Ti.)

Current Mission title: Shaken Not Stired -- Fleet Joint Mission

Mission Description:

EF's Creation in the DQ

Approximate Number of Posts this Month: 32

USS Zachary

Total Crew: 8

New Crew Since Last Report:

Lieutenant Commander James Solomon

Ensign Sammy Swan

Marine Captain Rock Bones

Crew Removed Since Last Report:

Lieutenant James Beumont

Lieutenant Junior Grade Lara Halson

Current Mission Title: Refitted and ready to go!

Mission Description:

Getting the crew onboard and irnoning out the creases and problems on a newl reiftted galaxy class.

Approximate Number of Posts this Month: 28